Our Full Pack (iOS, Android, Windows & Website) gives you the opportunity to take control of your online and mobile presence by using the same Control Panel. Our mobile apps are natively developed to ensure the best user experience on smartphones, tablets and Windows devices while our responsive and search engine optimised websites will make your business look professional and legitimate. You can view detailed descriptions of all our website & app features by visiting our Help Center.
Enterprise Plan Includes:
- Android, iOS & Windows compatibility Compatible with Android, iOS and all Windows smartphones & tablets, desktop & laptop computers
- Adaptive Android icons App icons are displayed in a variety of shapes depending on the device or launcher
- Variety of business & personal templates
- Ability to switch template at any time
- Smartbanner Smartbanners are presented unobtrusively at the top of a mobile webpage to inform and encourage users to open the native app, or install it if they already haven’t
- Website & Social Media Add all your social networks and unlimited website URLs
- About Section Add a section with text, location, media galleries and unlimited URLs, phone numbers & emails of your business
- Direct Call and Email
- Personalization Mobile app & website colours, background images, logos, menus and content can all be dynamically changed from the same Admin Control Panel
- Unlimited Menu URLs Website & apps: Items that appear in the menu and link to any destination outside or within your website or your mobile apps as a webview
- HTML supported content
- Weather information Website: Display a weather information widget
- Comments Website & apps: Enable or disable Disqus comments on all General Views items
- Media Galleries Website & apps: Create photo & video galleries and add them directly in menus & submenus or within any General Views item, about page etc.
- Forms Website & apps: Generate custom or use premade contact forms and add them directly in menus & submenus or within any General Views item, about page etc.
- Authors Website & apps: Display your authors with an image, a short bio and their webpages/ social media profiles
- General Views Website & apps: Create a flexible and practical catalogue containing articles, business news, products & services and pricelists and display them in catalogue, map POIs or calendar view within your mobile apps). Each catalogue item can be enriched with images & videos, custom or premade contact forms, location & date information etc.
- Responsive Web Design Your website will perfectly adapt to any screen size so it's as easy to use on mobile, tablet and desktop
- Search Engine Friendly Website Quick loading time and search engine indexable content
- Free SSL Certificate Website: A free and without guarantees SSL certificate will be provided by Let’s Encrypt
- 5 GB storage Website: Our hosting plan provides 5 GB web & mailbox storage
- 100 GB monthly traffic
- Google Analytics You will have access to your mobile apps’ & website’s Google Analytics account
- Admin Control Panel Dynamically manage your mobile apps & website, in an easy and fast way, through the same Admin Control Panel
- Update to our latest stable version in each renewal
- Your or our Google & Microsoft Developer Accounts Android & Windows applications can be uploaded to our or your Google & Microsoft Developer Accounts
- Your Apple Developer Account iOS mobile applications will be uploaded to your Apple Developer Account
- Unlimited downloads Mobile apps
- Your Ads Display your own ads or activate Google AdSense Addon to monetize your website